quinta-feira, fevereiro 23, 2006

BLACKBIRD -Turdus merula (Melro)

The males live up to their name but, confusingly, females are brown often with spots and streaks on their breasts. The bright orange -yellow beak and eye-ring make adult male blackbirds one of the most striking garden birds.

Where does it live?
Blackbirds are birds of woodland and heaths which have readily adapted to farmland and gardens. They like areas with bushes, shrubs and trees, and nearby open ground and short grass.
Blackbirds which come here for the winter like suitable cover for roosting - shrubs and trees - with feeding areas nearby. Often found along berry-bearing hedges and in open fields.

Where to see it?
Found everywhere in gardens and countryside and from coasts to hills, although not on the highest peaks.

What does it eat?
Insects, worms and berries.

What does it sound like?
A mellow, fluty song. Calls include 'chink, chink' and a clattering, ringing alarm phrase.

1 comentário:

Anónimo disse...

olá!!!Estive muito tempo indecisa entre comentar em inglês e comentar em português...mas triunfou o patriotismo (e a preguiça...lol) pelo k optei pelo bom velho portuga.E com isto me esqueci do que queria dizer...lol.
Mas aproveito pa elogiar o blog, tá mt porreirinho!ah, já me lembro: keria só dizer k adoro Turdus merula!lol =)*bjks