sábado, dezembro 31, 2005


its almost 2006, 2005 is getting behind.
with 2006 starts de dog year in the Chinese calendar.

lets welcome the new year!

quinta-feira, dezembro 29, 2005

Green Bug

No is not a famous blue screen from Microsoft... Its a small but lovely green bug.
I think that we must start to look at nature in a different away! I bet that many people would crush this bug instead of that a photo of him.

terça-feira, dezembro 27, 2005

Nature Beauty

Portugal, its a small country, but it also is a great country... how?
The deep Portugal hides treasures that have to be found, the reward is awesome...
Take a look with your eyes...

sexta-feira, novembro 18, 2005

New home...
This is my new home, still my background work will remain in HTTP://psi20.blog.simplesnet.pt

Hope you like my photos... PSI20